uniform convergence of the sequence in A. Similarly, we say that a series
(un) which converges in ^F(A) to a sum s is uniformly convergent in A to the
sum s. If F is a Banach space, it follows from (7.1.3) that in order that a
series (um) in ^(A) be uniformly convergent, a necessary and sufficient
condition is that, for any e > 0, there exist an integer n0 such that, for
i and any t e A, we have

From (7.13) and (5.3.2) it follows that if F is a Banach space and if a series
(z/J of bounded functions is such that the series (\\un\\) converges in R, then
the series (un) is uniformly convergent; moreover, for each t e A, since
\\un(t)\\ < ||wj the series (ua(t)) is absolutely convergent in F. However,
these two properties do not imply that the series (\\utt\\) is convergent; to
avoid misunderstandings, we therefore say that the series («n) is normally
in #F(A) if the series (||wj) converges. We define similarly a
normally summable family (wA)AeL in J*F(A) (L denumerable, cf. Section 5.3).

1. In the space ^R(R), let un be the function equal to l/n for n ^ t < n 4-1, to 0 for other
values of t. Show that the series (un) is uniformly and commutatively convergent
(Section 53, Problem 4) and that for every / e R, the series (un(t)) is absolutely con-
vergent, but that (un) is not normally convergent.

2. Let A be any set; show that the mapping w-^-sup u(t) of ^n(A) into R is continuous.
t € A
3. Let E be a metric space, F a normed space; show that the set of all mappings /e ^F(E)
whose oscillation (Section 3.14) at every point of E is at most equal to a given number
a > 0, is closed in the space ^F(E).
Let E now be a metric space; we denote by ^V(E) the vector space of
all continuous mappings of E into the normed space F, by ^(E) the set
of all bounded continuous mappings of E into F. We note that if E is compact,
*?(E) = «p(E) by (3.17.10). In general we have «f(E) = ^F(E) n JF(E).
We will consider #£(E) as a normed subspace of ^F(E), unless the contrary
is explicitly stated. If F is finite dimensional, in the decomposition (
/is continuous if and only if each of the /^ is continuous (see (3.20.4) and
(5.4.2)). The remarks preceding (7.1.2) then show that in such a case, «£(E)
is a topological direct sum of a finite number of subspaces, each of which